The Blog

Alright, so I have been asked by a few family and friends if I would be keeping a journal of sorts to document my time in Paris. Originally I said no, but I decided that it probably is something I should at least take a shot at, if not for those who are interested in reading then for me someday down the road. I've never really been the type of girl to keep a journal or diary or anything so please bare with me as I struggle through my first blogging attempt haha. A few disclaimers- I can't spell to save my life. There are bound to be endless spelling errors for which I apologize in advance. Second, I'm no writer kids! So there is a chance that this may be extremely dull haha. Either way I will do my best to record and convey all of my adventures and excitement from Paris this month!

Bienvenue a ma blog de m'ete a Paris! J'espere que vous l'aimez!
Welcome to my blog from my summer in Paris! I hope you like it!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Versaille et Marie Antoinette

Ahhhh Versailles! Beautiful, amazing, and Pierre-Jean (PJ). 

 We got off the metro and the palace was right there for us to see. Initially it was disappointing because there was a bunch of construction around the main entry way which took away from all of the sculptures and artwork lining the way. Then we made it to the chateaux and we saw the extremely long lines winding around the court yard. We were not happy! Until Jean-Pierre took us right past everyone and waved his little badge to get us through. He's amazing. More on him later though. 
We had to split into two groups in order to go on our tour of the castle. I was in the second group which meant we had an hour to kill in the gardens out back. Now don't get me wrong it was absolutely beautiful seeing all of the different flowers and patters created with the bushes and fauna but it was freezing! The wind in the open area was intense! After walking around the garden, taking our pictures, and freezing we found a cafe where we could get some hot chocolate and warm up before our tour inside. My hot chocolate kept leaking all over me! I was not happy! 
Then we met in front by the beautiful golden gates and discovered that we had to wait for this really pushy russian woman to go in first. She and PJ had some words because she was shouting over him later on in the tour to give her own presentation. We all had head phones so we could listen to PJ on his microphone tell us all the details and history of the palace. Finally we got in and Pierre-Jean is so knowledgeable and witty it was the most enjoyable tour I've ever been on. He makes it fun because you can tell he is having fun doing it instead of sounding bored. While we were in the Hercules room some woman tried to join our group and so he had to stop and tell her to go away because it was a private tour. He's just so funny about it, firm but always with a smile and pep. He's coming with us on our two, three day excursions and I can't wait to get to know him and be entertained in Normandy and Belgium! 
After the main castle, which was absolutely beautiful we went to the King's private home and Marie Antoinette's private home. They each had their own chill spot away from the castle so they could get away from the public view for a couple hours or so. The King's home was pink marble! So pretty and definitely ideal for my future private home :) haha. PJ told us how their lives were spent surrounded by others. There were people sitting in chairs watching them sleep and on ottomans watching them dine in the dining room. Even when the Queen had a baby there were witnesses on hand to ensure that the child was legitimate. No thank you! 
Then we went to the hamlet that Marie Antoinette had built in order to feel more connected with her homeland and various elements of nature and farms that she grew up surrounded by. The village was beautiful. I swear it was what Belle's village in Beauty and the Beast was modeled after. So quaint and charming I can't even explain it. In addition to my private home I'd also like my own village and farm, okay? great! By then we were all exhausted. We slowly made our way back to the bus stop where we took off to the metro. My feet were angry with me once again, but a quick nap did wonders! So we went out to one of the fireman's balls for the beginning of Bastille day! (Stay tuned for the Bastille day post! haha)

C'est la vie a Paris!

The lower gardens

The Hall of Mirrors, so beautiful

The palace 'proper'

A swan bit my foot!

par le canal!

Well in the village!

This was pretty much Belle's house
Pierre-Jean, the best tour guide ever!

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