The Blog

Alright, so I have been asked by a few family and friends if I would be keeping a journal of sorts to document my time in Paris. Originally I said no, but I decided that it probably is something I should at least take a shot at, if not for those who are interested in reading then for me someday down the road. I've never really been the type of girl to keep a journal or diary or anything so please bare with me as I struggle through my first blogging attempt haha. A few disclaimers- I can't spell to save my life. There are bound to be endless spelling errors for which I apologize in advance. Second, I'm no writer kids! So there is a chance that this may be extremely dull haha. Either way I will do my best to record and convey all of my adventures and excitement from Paris this month!

Bienvenue a ma blog de m'ete a Paris! J'espere que vous l'aimez!
Welcome to my blog from my summer in Paris! I hope you like it!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Storming the Bastille in Paris!

What an experience Bastille day was. Hands down my favorite part of the trip so far. 

The day before the actual holiday I went with a group of people to a Fireman's Ball. Throughout the city all of the firehouses throw parties for the neighborhood the night before and the night of Bastille day. There is free admission, but they really encourage donations, and then they sell champagne and beer inside. Each firehouse does something slightly different and just like at home some are larger than others, but of course we went to the big one- right around the corner from the Bastille itself! 
The lines were insaneeee! I felt like I was in a mosh pit at a rock concert. People were shoving and hitting and the bouncers were not all that friendly. They kept shouting at people to move back from the fence but of course the people at the back were not moving so the people in front (like me right up against the fence!) couldn't budge. So then they decided it was a good idea to just two hand shove people back by pushing the fence. Right at me! I pretty much had impressions of the fence pattern all over my body. But we finally got in and it was a lot of fun. The firemen, oh my goodness, I almost think they hired male models to walk around in the uniforms. Oh. La. La! See picturesss :) 
There were DJ's and light shows, a drum line performance, and then the firemen started dancing on the bar! ahhh! hahha. Then they pulled my classmates up there and we took over! haha. One of the girls in our group however had drank a whole bottle of wine before hand and then she stole a bottle of champagne which she drank most of herself. Not a good mix. She was sick all the next day and on the way out I had to practically hold her upright because she could barley walk. One thing that may surprise some of you, I have not been drunk at all so far this trip and I don't want to be either. I want to remember my trip and be able to fully absorb everything around me. Sure I'm going to have a few drinks but I did not come here and spend all that money just to spend more money on alcohol! I'd rather go the the Louvre and the Picasso museum! Anyways so while I was walking out with her this man tried to push in between us and so I kindly said "pas ici si'vous plait" meaning not through here please. Well I hadn't seen that he was using some brace like crutches, until he hit me with one that is! People are so mean! haha So while the ball was fun while we were in there I did not enjoy fighting to get in or the walk out as my drunk classmates were screaming out obscenities to the locals. It was truly obnoxious.
The activities on Bastille day itself was what was truly amazing. We went to the Eiffel Tower to enjoy a free concert that was going on. The crowds were insane! haha. We ended up going to a cafe to relax and get some coffee before we went to find a place to settle for the fireworks. My roommate Abby decided that she was going to go off on her own for a bit to get some metro tickets and find the lock bridge to put her lock on it. The lock bridge is a place where people take little padlocks with the initials of themselves and their significant other and lock them on the fence. Then they throw the keys into the water and this is supposed to symbolize their love- locking it up and literally throwing the key away. It is very romantic and quite the site. But I tried to tell Abby that this was not the day to get separated from the group. She didn't listen. I think she was just getting a bit annoyed of the city and all the large group traveling. She said she would find us afterward but of course she didn't. I was worried about her all night but knew there was no way to find her, no cell phones! She didn't end up getting back to the hotel even until 3 am -- we were back here by 1230.

Anyways the rest of us found a small little park where we decided to wait for the fireworks. We were surrounded by people from all over- London, Pairs, Spain, etc. It was awesome. We drank some wine and ate some candy and crepes. Then we made friends with these two little french boys sitting next to us- Leonn and Noah. Absolutely adorable! They kept throwing flower petals at us and laughing. Then they went around and asked us all our names- in english! Too cute. They started singing head, shoulders, knees, and toes but they got stuck when it came to the eyes and ears part so all 12 of us joined in and finished singing with them. It was so much fun.
When the fireworks started it was simply amazing. Looking around and seeing all the Parisians oohing and ahhing in celebration and being right there beside them was just an incredible feeling. The fireworks themselves were fantastic! What a show! Types of fireworks that I have never seen in random patterns, fairy dust looking stuff, baby pink hearts. It was so pretty right there by the Eiffel Tower- which shimmers every hour on the hour by the way, sooo beautiful! 
We headed toward the metro before it ended because we wanted to beat the crowds, and it was a good thing we did because that is why it took Abby so long to get back. She had gotten caught up in the mad dash of people going the wrong way! Thankfully we ran into a very nice french gentleman who helped us find the metro because most of them were closed for the night. It was crazy!
It was a night that I will truly never forget! 

C'est la vie a Paris!
This was the small dance floor at the Firemen's Ball

The Beautiful Firemen on the Bar!

The DJ and Light show on the larger stage

With Abby on Bastille Day

Waiting for the fireworks


1 comment:

  1. Yayeah sexy firemen! Haha also, that third picture of the fireworks kind of looks Armageddon-ish.
