The Blog

Alright, so I have been asked by a few family and friends if I would be keeping a journal of sorts to document my time in Paris. Originally I said no, but I decided that it probably is something I should at least take a shot at, if not for those who are interested in reading then for me someday down the road. I've never really been the type of girl to keep a journal or diary or anything so please bare with me as I struggle through my first blogging attempt haha. A few disclaimers- I can't spell to save my life. There are bound to be endless spelling errors for which I apologize in advance. Second, I'm no writer kids! So there is a chance that this may be extremely dull haha. Either way I will do my best to record and convey all of my adventures and excitement from Paris this month!

Bienvenue a ma blog de m'ete a Paris! J'espere que vous l'aimez!
Welcome to my blog from my summer in Paris! I hope you like it!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Notre Dame and Exploring

Finally made it to Notre Dame! 
While Abby was sleeping in after her Bastille Day adventure I went with some of the other girls to see Notre Dame. It was very impressive. All the displays and the architecture. The gargoyles and bell tower were by far my favorite part! We walked around the church and got to see an original chandelier, the stain glass windows, and I bought a medallion as a souvenir! Then we waited in line for an hour and a half to climb up to the top. 

Holy stairs. There were a million stairs, and it was awful because they were all tiny narrow winding, worn, slippery stairs. I was very dizzy by the time we reached the top! But it was worth both the wait and the climb. It was another fabulous view of the city from up there. We also got to get up close and personal with the gargoyles. They are so awesome. Each one is unique and almost has its own personality. Some of them looked like the ones straight out of the movie which was pretty neat. Then others were very creepy haha. We also got to climb up into the bell tower where Quasi hangs out, you know :) It was so cool, I snuck under the rope to get my picture taken with the bell. Its named Emmanuel and it still works! I tried to hurry cause I was afraid that it was going to ring while I was under it! We met some guys who were studying abroad from Buffalo which was pretty funny. One of them lived right around the corner from one of the girls in my group. Such a small world! 

After Notre Dame we wandered around a little and found the Shakespeare and Co. Book store which was very cute! Then we went into some souvenir shops and I got a few other things for people back home! (I know you told me not to mom but come on, you know me, I have to!) The rest of the weekend has just been about relaxing and catching up on some sleep. I took a three hour nap after Notre Dame and still went to bed at 11 and slept til 10. 

The next day, Saturday, we just wandered around the streets and did some shopping! I bought 4 dresses and some leggings, so cute and great deals! Just can't resist the sales- my Aunt Paula must be rubbing off on me! :) Then we came back to write our papers. Yes a paper- 5 pages too! Ughh! haha it wasn't all that bad just put a damper on my evening. Sunday we just went back to that street market and I bough the cutest scarf. Then we went to the Mont Parness cemetery and walked around for a bit. It was quite the sight, just thousands of different head stones and monuments. Lots of family shrines and uniquely created plot markers. It was very interesting.Then we came back to edit papers, eat some grub, and go see the final Harry Potter film (3D) in Paris! Tres cool! haha :) 

C'est la vie a Paris! 

Stain glass window, beautiful.

Insane architecture!

With the girls under the bell!
That would be an elephant, a faceless creature, an angry mountain lion-like thing, and a pelican was around the corner.

Dude on the left was straight from the movie if you ask me.

Such a pretty grave site. It was all mosaic tiles and flowers.

Me at the Mont Parness cemetery with the Mont Parness tower in the back

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