The Blog

Alright, so I have been asked by a few family and friends if I would be keeping a journal of sorts to document my time in Paris. Originally I said no, but I decided that it probably is something I should at least take a shot at, if not for those who are interested in reading then for me someday down the road. I've never really been the type of girl to keep a journal or diary or anything so please bare with me as I struggle through my first blogging attempt haha. A few disclaimers- I can't spell to save my life. There are bound to be endless spelling errors for which I apologize in advance. Second, I'm no writer kids! So there is a chance that this may be extremely dull haha. Either way I will do my best to record and convey all of my adventures and excitement from Paris this month!

Bienvenue a ma blog de m'ete a Paris! J'espere que vous l'aimez!
Welcome to my blog from my summer in Paris! I hope you like it!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 2- boat ride, walking tour, & first night out!

Oh la la,
Day two down! C'est increable! My roomates and I slept through breakfast straight til 11 am. We scrambled to get ready and then met the group at 1pm when we jumped on the bus to take us to the Seine for our boat ride tour. It was interesting all climbing into that bus and standing on top of one another. It also became evident that some of the people in our group are not all that city/travel experienced. They like to take their time crossing the road, and think they can also enter a city bus at the back of the bus. No people no! hah, more looks and laughter was directed toward us stupid americans. haha. 
The boat ride itself thought was amazinggg! Got to see my first glimpses of Le Louvre, Notre Dame, and of course La Tour Eiffel! Simply amazing thats all I can say. While picture give you a good idea of the scale and grandeur of the architecture, its true that there is nothing like the real deal. The details on everything here are incredible! I tried to zoom in on the Eiffel tour so that you could see the details so look at my pictures! Its just unreal finally getting to see all of these places finally! I can't wait to get closer to them all and really take them in. Truly fantastic.
 After the tour on the Seine we came back and regrouped for a brief class orientation...boring, even in Paris. Read this, test here, paper there. We get it already! Then we got ten minutes to break before meeting again for the walking tour of the area around our hote, The Fiap! It was actually quite interesting hearing about the history of the different places around us. We got to stand on the old prime meridian line which runs throughout France. See the only prison in Paris, and the most famous one in France. View the only old fashioned public toilet on the street outside of the prison- I really want to know how girls used that back in the day cause it seems as though its pretty much built only for men. Which I suppose is very possible! We also saw the entrance to the catacombs- which we're going to this weekend! So exciting/creepy haha.
     After we FINALLY got to eat for the first time today (I was starvingggg) Abby and I met up with some of the girls across the hall to plan our trips to Dublin and Milan! They are joining us on our Dublin excursion and we decided to go to Milan as well! Cannot wait, you have no idea! Then we went and got ready to hit the town to find the bars! 
   The first bar we went to, Studio 18, was alright. They only had beer and wine so it was somewhat small and quiet. Then we went to Cafe Australia. Damn was that fun! Loud music, crazy lights, dance floor, elevated dance platform along the wall, even a stripper pole haha. We had the best caramel flavored shots, holy crap! Its like candy! 3 euros each so I took it kinda slow tonight. But still had a great time dancing with everyone. Abby and I left the others somewhat early cause we decided that we didn't want to go too crazy on our first night...maybe tomorrow :) Bon Soir! 
Me on the boat ride of the Seine
Look at the details, its even more impressive in person though...
View of the Eiffel Tour from the Seine

View of the Notre Dame from the seine

Abby and I on the boat tour

Une rue/ a street :)

The best gelato ever!

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